BONGKAR !!! Apa motif Israel miliki pesawat serupa MH370 ini, ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi?

BONGKAR !!! Apa motif Israel miliki pesawat serupa MH370 ini, ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi? | Selain teori konspirasi melibatkan Amerika Syarikat, satu lagi pihak yang amat hangat diperkatakan sebagai ‘dalang sebenar’ di sebalik kehilangan MH370 adalah puak Yahudi atau Israel. 

Teori ini dibawakan seorang wartawan Amerika Syarikat yang menulis buku berjudul Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, Christopher Bollyn.

Untuk rekod, Bollyn yang turut membantu Profesor Steven E. Jones dalam menganalis serangan 9-11 telah muncul dengan bukti-bukti yang mengaitkan Israel dalam serangan ini namun mereka berdua telah ‘mendapat susah’ termasuk diserang dan dipenjara.

Meskipun penglibatan Israel tidak dapat dibuktikan, namun ada alibi tertentu yang membuatkan teori ini turut kencang diperkatakan.

Selain Kedutaan Israel didakwa ‘cuti tanpa sebab kukuh’ pada hari kejadian (sama seperti yang berlaku pada hari serangan di Twin Tower, Amerika Syarikat pada 9 November 2001) terdapat bukti lain yang lebih membuka mata.

Ia adalah tindakan Israel membeli dan memiliki sebuah pesawat Boeing 777 2H6(ER) lama milik Syarikat Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS).

Pesawat ‘kembar’ MH370 ini telah dirakam di sebuah lapangan terbang kecil di Tarbes–Lourdes–Pyrénées, Perancis pada 4 OktobeR 2013 sebelum ia dibawa ke Lapangan Terbang Ben Gurion, Tel Aviv, Israel pada 4 November 2013.

Difahamkan, pesawat MAS Boeing 777 dengan nombor siri 28416 dan didaftarkan sebagai 9M-MRI ini telah dijual kepada GA Telesis, LLC di Fort Lauderdale, Florida pada 21 Oktober 2013 sebelum didaftarkan sebagai N105GT.

Pesawat ini disimpan di Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees pada 4 Oktober 2014 sebelum dibawa ke Tel Aviv sebulan kemudiannya.

Persoalannya, mengapa Israel membeli dan mahu memiliki pesawat lama MAS ini?

Jika dirujuk kembali reaksi Israel berkaitan kehilangan MH370, seorang ‘pakar keselamatan’ negara tersebut, Issac Yeffet pantas mengaitkannya dengan teori bahawa MH370 telah ditawan pengganas dan dibawa ke Iran untuk digunakan bagi siri keganasan akan datang.

Yeffet dilaporkan memberi kenyataan kepada Times of Israel:

“What happened to this aircraft, nobody knows. My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved. They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”(Tiada siapa tahu apa sudah berlaku pada pesawat tersebut. Berdasarkan kes pasport curi yang dilaporkan, saya percaya Iran terlibat dalam hal ini. Mereka telah merampas pesawat dan menerbangkannya ke satu tempat yang tidak dapat dijumpai).

Pendapat ini turut disebarkan oleh individu yang bukan rahsia lagi merupakan agen Israel dan penyebar propaganda Zionis iaitu Rupert Murdoch yang turut memberikan komen senada:

Obama should call Chinese President following today’s incident and say “we both have the problem of Muslim terrorism. Can we work together?”
3:50 AM – 8 Mac 2014

777 crash confirms jihadists turning to make trouble for China. Chance for US to make common cause, befriend China while Russia bullies.
4:15 PM – 9 Mac 2014

World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden.
2:23 AM – 15 Mac 2014

777. Still think this a reminder that US and China should be working more closely on Muslim extremist threat.
2:26 AM – 15 Mac 2014

Sejak dahulu lagi, Israel sering ‘digosipkan’ sebagai perancang licik dalam banyak agenda dunia termasuk serangan 9-11.

Rancangan ini kadangkala dapat dihidu selepas kejadian berlaku, contohnya menerusi filem Medusa Touch pada tahun 1978 yang menunjukkan adegan serangan persis 9-11 di penghujung filem.

Pembikinnya, Arnon Milchan selepas diteliti adalah penerbit filem yang juga anggota perisikan Israel, Mossad.

Jadi selepas diambil kira tentang pesawat MAS yang secara tiba-tiba menarik minat Tel Aviv, tak dapat tidak kita akan terfikir bahawa tidak mustahil jiak kehilangan MH370 adalah satu daripada plot yang sudah dirangka oleh Israel.

Pada masa sama, Israel mungkin telah menunjukkan petanda mahu menjadikan Iran sebagai kambing hitam sambil misi utama mereka sebenarnya mewujudkan false-flag bagi mengatur satu kejadian serangan ala 9-11 menggunakan pesawat MAS tidak lama lagi?

Apa pun, teori kekal sebagai teori selagi ia tidak dibuktikan secara sahih. Sama-samalah kita doakan semoga kebenaran akan ditunjukkan akhirnya.


Are the Israelis Planning Another 9-11 Using the Missing Boeing 777?

THE ISRAELI TWIN - Why would Israel have a plane identical to the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in storage in Tel Aviv? The plane in this photo is Boeing 777 2H6(ER) first flown in July 1998, Construction No. 28416* (Original Reg. No. 9M-MRI), an identical twin of the missing plane, which was given a new registration number (N105GT) and flown to Israel in November 2013.

EN ROUTE TO ISRAEL, NOVEMBER 4, 2013 - The former Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-2H6(ER) (now a GA Telesis plane with new registration as N105GT) departs the Aéroport Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées en route to Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport, November 4, 2013.

THE TWIN PLANE IN TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, DECEMBER 2013 - What are the Israelis doing with this retired Malaysia Airlines plane in a hanger in Tel Aviv? Could it be part of a false-flag terror plot in the making? Where is this plane today?

THE MISSING PLANE - A photo by Bernhard Ebner of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in Amsterdam, May 5, 2013. This plane, a Boeing 777-2H6(ER) with Construction No. 28420, Reg. No. 9M-MRO, was first flown on May 14, 2002, and delivered to Malaysia Airlines on May 31, 2002. It is thought to have crashed into the southern Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014.


Source for Israeli Twin Plane Data:,N105GT-GA-Telesis-php

Source for Missing Plane Data:,9M-MRO-Malaysia-Airlines.php

Update - According to reports from plane-spotters, Israel has an identical Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 in storage in Tel Aviv since November 2013. The only visible difference between the missing plane and the one in Tel Aviv would be its serial number. What do the Israelis have planned with the twin Malaysia Airlines plane?

By using the twin aircraft they have in storage, the terror masterminds may have a sinister plan for the missing plane to seemingly reappear in a false-flag atrocity. Public awareness of the twin plane in Tel Aviv, therefore, could prevent the evil plot from going ahead.

For more on the identical Malaysia plane in Tel Aviv see the latest entry, dated March 26, 2014, on my Q&A and Comment page.

Notes: The Malaysia Air 777 with Boeing serial number 28416 and registered as 9M-MRI was sold to GA Telesis, LLC of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 21, 2013, and is now registered as N105GT. The aircraft was stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees on October 4, 2013, and then on November 4, 2013, it was re-registered as N105GT and stored at Tel Aviv.

*MSN 28416 OR 28418? - According to a press release from GA Telesis dated July 10, 2013, the Fort Lauderdale-based company announced that it had started the dismantling process "in the USA" for three Boeing aircraft, including one 777-200ER (TRENT 800) (MSN 28418) ex-Malaysia Airlines, the plane that was given a new registration number and flown to Tel Aviv.


Abdol Moabery serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of GA Telesis, LLC. Previously, Mr. Moabery served as Executive Vice President of Aviation Systems International, Inc., and as Director of Marketing and Sales at C-S Aviation Services, Inc. Both of Moabery's former companies were owned by George Soros. Therefore it is not unlikely that Soros owns a good part of GA Telesis, too.

C-S Aviation Services: 

Aviation Systems International, Inc. 

This information is very important because it fits neatly into the terror scenario presented by Israeli El Al "security expert" Issac Yeffet shortly after the Malaysian plane went missing. Yeffet suggested the missing plane had been hijacked to Iran and was being prepared for a terror attack. For the Israelis to have an identical plane in a hanger in Tel Aviv reveals why Yeffet presented such a scenario. He appears to have been setting the stage for a false-flag attack like 9-11, perhaps in Israel. If such an attack were to occur in Israel all the evidence would be in the hands of Israeli intelligence giving them complete control of the interpretation or narrative of the terror event.


"What happened to this aircraft, nobody knows. My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved. They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”
- Issac Yeffet, former El Al security expert to Times of Israel, March 17, 2014

World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden.
- Rupert Murdoch on Twitter, March 15, 2014

It is not Iranians, but Israeli agents and Zionist propagandists like Rupert Murdoch who are the real authors of false-flag terror plots involving airliners being flown into hi-rise towers. Arnon Milchan, for example, the Israeli Mossad operative-cum-film producer, made the Medusa Touch film in 1978, in which a 9-11 type attack is the climax of the film. Is there a nefarious plot in the works to use the missing Malaysian plane for such an attack?

The making of Milchan's Medusa Touch involved constructing models to simulate an aircraft striking a skyscraper.

With no trace of Beijing-bound flight MH370 after nine days, one of several theories that has emerged is that the plane was hijacked to Iran, where it could be turned into a massive and devastating weapon. Two Iranian passengers are known to have been aboard, travelling on false passports. While Israeli officials did not confirm any suspicions regarding Iran, experts said it is not a stretch to point the finger at Israel's Middle East nemesis.

“My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved [in the disappearance of the plane],” Issac Yeffet, formerly a global security expert for Israel’s national airline El Al told today’s Times of Israel. “They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”
- "Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security" by Paul Alster, March 17, 2014

The disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing 777 looks like something from a Batman movie plot - or a bad Israeli screenplay by Arnon Milchan and his business partner Rupert Murdoch. The missing plane is bound to turn up sooner or later. The hijackers - or Israeli computer hackers - didn't pull a fast turn to the west and make professional moves with the plane in order to simply drop it in the Indian Ocean. Or maybe they did. In any case, all of the events going on with the missing Boeing and the Ukrainian crisis look like the making of a perfect storm - or perhaps another false-flag terror spectacle like 9-11.

An Israel-based reporter named Paul Alster has an article on Murdoch's giving an Israeli prognosis about the missing Malaysian Boeing 777. The article is important because it suggests that the Israelis may be setting the stage for a false-flag event using the missing plane as a flying bomb.

The article indicates that the Israelis may be projecting a planned terror scenario and are planting the idea in the public mind. The following article has comments from an Israeli El Al "security expert" that are very similar to comments tweeted by Rupert Murdoch the day before. Isn't it interesting that Rupert Murdoch and an Israeli airline security expert imagine the exact same fate for the missing Boeing?


Obama should call Chinese President following today's incident and say "we both have the problem of Muslim terrorism. Can we work together?"
3:50 AM - 2 Mar 2014

777 crash confirms jihadists turning to make trouble for China. Chance for US to make common cause, befriend China while Russia bullies.
4:15 PM - 9 Mar 2014

World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden.
2:23 AM - 15 Mar 2014

777. Still think this a reminder that US and China should be working more closely on Muslim extremist threat.
2:26 AM - 15 Mar 2014

The Israeli comments in the article imagine a terror scenario like that described by Murdoch. It is important to note that the Israeli El Al "security expert" comes from the exact same groups (ICTS, El Al security, Menachem Atzmon, the Shin Bet and assorted Mossadniks), who projected the ideation of 9-11 (Murdoch’s "Lone Gunmen" pilot episode in 2000 and Arnon Milchan's Medusa Touch film in 1978) - and who were involved in the false-flag attacks of 9-11.

This is exactly what the evidence I present in my Solving 9-11 books reveals about Israeli involvement in the false-flag terrorism of 9-11. The fact that the same people are now projecting the ideation that the Boeing 777 has been hijacked (perhaps by computer like in the "Lone Gunmen") and will be used in a terror attack needs to be taken very seriously.

The game is on. We need to be aware of the very real possibility that the plane may resurface, used as a weapon of terror. If so, the attack would probably be designed to be a false-flag provocation that can be used to initiate aggression against a targeted foe – such as the Islamic Republic of Iran. If enough people understand the evil game of deception the Israelis are up to, they won't be able to pull off another major terror spectacle - and get away with it.

Here is the article by Paul Alster from

Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security
By Paul Alster, March 17, 2014

HAIFA, Israel – Top Israeli defense officials have hurriedly put in place a confidential list of secret security measures in light of the baffling disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jumbo jet that experts fear could become a weapon of mass destruction if in the wrong hands.

With no trace of Beijing-bound flight MH370 after nine days, one of several theories that has emerged is that the plane was hijacked to Iran, where it could be turned into a massive and devastating weapon. Two Iranian passengers are known to have been aboard, travelling on false passports. While Israeli officials did not confirm any suspicions regarding Iran, experts said it is not a stretch to point the finger at Israel's Middle East nemesis.

“My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved [in the disappearance of the plane],” Issac Yeffet, formerly a global security expert for Israel’s national airline El Al told today’s Times of Israel. “They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”

As the search continued to widen fruitlessly, Israeli security officials and aviation authorities, who have long feared a 9/11-style attack, conducted a security assessment and rapidly implemented a series of security measures. The only one reported publicly is that Israeli air traffic controllers will demand that incoming aircraft identify themselves earlier than has so far been the case, sources told

IDF officials aim to ensure an unthinkable repetition of the Twin Towers attack doesn’t happen in Tel Aviv, where the skyscraping triple Azrieli Towers rise high above the city. There's good reason to believe the three-tower commercial-residential-office complex is a coveted target of the Islamic Republic.

In a recent video simulation broadcast by Iranian state TV after the initial agreement with the international community on a reduction in Iran’s nuclear capability was signed, the Azrieli Towers were shown being blown up by Iranian missiles.

The Israeli media has speculated that if Iran played a part in the disappearance of the plane, it is all but certain the regime would not have been directly involved. It would likely instead act through a third party, using one of the many international terror organizations Iran sponsors and maintaining plausible deniability. Tehran would not want to jeopardize the easing of international sanctions and other gains made recently at the Geneva negotiations with the US and the P5+1.

The recent interception of a boatload of Iranian M-302 missiles headed for Israel’s enemies in the Gaza Strip or Sinai Peninsula has given rise to further speculation in Israel that Iran might be considering all manner of means to strike back after such an embarrassing and damaging loss.

“This would never have happened on an Israeli plane,” Yeffet said. “An El Al aircraft was hijacked for the first and last time in 1968. Since then, there has not been a single flight where security did not check every single name.”

Yeffet believes that the time consuming and often-criticized profiling of every passenger at Israeli airports would have picked up the Iranians travelling on false papers.

Most flights to and from Israel require check-in three hours before the advertised flight time and passengers are often faced with many questions (some personal) that some people take exception to. The fact remains though that the Israeli method seems to work and has, thus far, proved watertight.

“More security costs more money,” Menachem Yarden, a retired El Al pilot with more than 37 years experience told Fox “Few companies these days are making money because of increased costs and relatively low ticket prices. Especially in the U.S., spending more money on security and telling people to come 3 hours before the flight – even if their flight time is just one hour – it’s crazy. No-one would fly.”

Asked if air marshals - allegedly placed on every El Al plane - might have made a difference to flight MH370 if, as some believe, it has been hijacked, Yarden said, “As El Al pilots we didn’t know all the security measures [put in place]. Security is a separate matter [to piloting] and the fewer people that know about it, the more secure it is.”

Yarden said it is possible such a huge aircraft could have flown thousands of miles undetected.

“Yes. It is possible to fly as low as the pilot is able,” Yarden confirmed. “When you switch off the transponder no civil controller can see you. In 9/11 the pilots switched off the transponders and no one saw them. It is not like military radar which sends electromagnetic pulses that receives back the echo via antenna.”

“In this extraordinary case any theory might be the right theory,” Yarden concluded. “No one knows what’s happened.”


"Ex-El Al expert: Iran likely involved in MH 370" by Debra Kamin, Times of Israel, March 16, 2014 

"GA Telesis Continues to Provide Best-In-Class Component Support via Disassembly of Boeing 777-200ER, 767-200ER and 757-200ER," GA Telesis press release, July 10, 2013 

"Is This a Secretly Taken Photo of the Plane Stored in Tel Aviv?", March 28, 2014

“Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security” by Paul Alster,, March 17, 2014 

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